1. What are cookies?
Trading Park uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are placed on your hard drive when you visit our website. These small files store information about (for example) your preferences, which can be consulted during a later visit to the website.
2. Which cookies do we use?
Below you will find an overview of the cookies we use on this website.
2.1 Functional cookies
www.tradingpark.com uses functional cookies. These cookies are necessary for www.tradingpark.com to function properly. In other words, they are necessary to provide the service you have requested.
Craft CMS
Our website functions based on the software of Craft CMS. Craft uses cookies and these are necessary to enable you to use the website. These cookies are essential for the website to function. It stores user and session data.
Type: Functional (essential)
Retention period: maximum 1 year
Sharing: No personal data is stored or shared.
More information: https://craftcms.com/privacy
2.2 Tracking and analytical cookies
www.tradingpark.com uses analytical cookies. With these cookies we analyze the use of our website by users, for example, we can see which pages are visited a lot and which pages are visited little. We use this information to optimize our website.
We use Google Analytics, for example to measure how you found our website and how you use our website. Based on this information, we can optimize the operation of our website. If you do not give permission for this, we will not be allowed to place this cookie.
Type: Analytical
Retention period: these cookies are deleted after closing the page.
Sharing: Sharing data has turned off www.tradingpark.com. Google therefore does not share your data with third parties.
www.tradingpark.com has entered into a processor agreement with Google. In addition, it was decided to mask the last octet of the IP address. Also, no other Google services are used in combination with the Google Analytics cookies.
More information: https: //www.google.nl/intl/nl / ...
3. New cookies
If www.tradingpark.com adds new cookies or if we change our cookie policy, we will always ask you for permission to use that cookie (except if this is a cookie that is covered by the essential cookie exceptions of the Cookie Act).
Which cookies can we use?
We are happy to let you choose which cookies you want to use.